Human Turntable - Create Your Sound

Human Turntable continues the development of the ideas of creafon® and shows an example how to implement the ideas in the field of performing arts. The first presentation has taken place at the cultural congress day of the school of applied arts in education “Pädagogische Hochschule Nordwestschweiz” May 6, 2009 in Aarau (CH).
Human Turntable is based on a sampling technology: Several people walking around a circle act as record player pick-ups. Pulling a bag with rolls around the circle over different structures created on the floor they create different sounds and noises. The loops based on the circle and the given structures can be changed and extended. The recorded sounds can be modified by electronical effects in any desired way.

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Video on Youtube:


Ein «Karneval» zum Experimentieren

An interesting report (D) in the newspaper “Der Sonntag”.

creafon app's

Experience the "Carnival of the Animals", based on the music written by Saint-Saëns. Fun for children as well as for adults!

Broadcast Radiofeature of Peter Jaeggi:
DRS2 aktuell

Would you like to experience different sounds and noises? Peter Jaeggi is moderating a radio braodcast about the world of senses at Rüttihubelbad.

creafon® in SENSORIUM in Rüttihubelbad

Since March 29, 2010 creafon® can be experienced in different forms at an exhibition in SENSORIUM im Rüttihubelbad.

Registration in SENSORIUM

Enjoy experimenting with the exiting wooden and metalic models!

creafon® now attains the US patent!